Argus C 3 Matchmatic | Camera

13 out of 36

That is how many photos I managed to get. Between the advance issues and the questionable visibility through the focusing window 10 of them are okay. Three are super blurry but almost in an interesting way. They would be more interesting if they weren’t all the same colors.

Overall I’m glad I shot a roll with it. It was a fun experiment. I don’t think I’ll use it again but having lenses is cool. It occurs to me that part of the focusing issue could have been a lens problem. I have no idea which lenses I used. I’ve been good about writing down lens, f stop, & shutter speed when shooting the Nikons but failed to do any of that with the Argus. I was focused more on all the many steps to simply take one photo.

This was nothing like my first experience with a C 3 Matchmatic. My Grand Father’s has a clear focusing window and advanced as it was supposed to. I recall metering being easier then too. My original meter is dead. I have one I got used at Glazers years ago. It works well. And the Matchmatic system on the camera makes it pretty easy.

So here they are in all their glory.